Sunday, April 5, 2009


Amy has done an awesome job guiding and supporting our bead group. She began volunteering at The Refugee Sewing Society by bringing snacks. She still brings snacks, but she has taught herself how to create beautiful beaded necklaces, earrings, and bracelets. Man Bista (above) learned jewelry making in her refugee camp in Nepal. She has just gotten a job in housekeeping at a local hotel. I hate to see her talents unused. Maybe God will see fit to let her keep working with us. I hope so!Amy brings American style and taste to the classes. Man brings expertise in beading techniques. She also speaks Nepali and Hindi, so communication is no problem for her. The proud and smiling faces of women in the bead class reveal how well this is working out. We're all learning a lot, but we know God is overseeing all we do.You could not ask for a sweeter, more loving group of women!Thanks, Amy and Man!

And all our faithful readers -- please keep our women in your daily prayers. We're seeing such exciting things these days. The Lord is at work!

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