Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Visiting in the village . . .

Visiting day is always filled with the unexpected. Today, Kelly and I headed to the home of our favorite Somali friend. As is often the case, we found her lying on the couch with a terrible headache. (photo removed by request)

As she described the pain -- which had lasted for 3 days -- I suddenly realized she was depicting a migraine. I don't know why it never occurred to me before. We hopped back in the car and drove to the pharmacy that caters to refugees. I bought a bottle of Excedrin Migraine and took it back to my friend. I'll call tomorrow to find out if it helped. She has seven children, and the three youngest are always at home and clamoring for attention. (photo removed by request)

Thank goodness Kelly was there with lots of fun for the littlest ones. (photo removed by request)

My beloved little Farah is crawling everywhere, and today he demonstrated a new skill. Standing up! (Okay, he did need some help from Kelly.) What a big boy! (photo removed by request)

Later, we met Tim Cummins -- our loyal supporter and encourager -- at Vikyhat, an Indian restaurant where we enjoyed a curry buffet. We got to meet new missionaries Ian and Ruthie North. Ruthie is a beading "fundi" (expert), and she will begin teaching a beading class for The Refugee Sewing Society this Friday!

Ruthie visited two other homes with us. At one, the oldest son was making chapatis. We had just eaten lunch, but those chapatis looked GOOD!
Barry described the ingredients he uses and told us how to roll out the chapatis. He was proud of his skill. I told him he'll make a good husband some day. I'm so grateful for my Tim, who cooks all our meals.
We found a group of children playing with a puzzle in the dining room. I was thrilled about this. We take plastic trucks, books, crayons, and other toys to the refugee children, but for some reason, we rarely see anyone playing with them. These kids were enjoying working together with this puzzle. Cool!
Three families visited, one beading class initiated, and lots of laughs, prayers, and chatter. I had a wonderful day -- I hope you did, too!

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